
Checking git commit message format before commit’ing

UPDATE: You can’t actually use the python script directly as your commit hook due to the need for a TTY. Instead I’ve updated these instructions with a way to call it from a simple shell script which provides a TTY. Sorry for the misinformation!

Seems like I’ve been on a ‘style guide’ tear lately. Once I got git yelling at me when I tried to check in non-pep8 compliant code a coworker of mine pointed out that git commit messages have a ‘style guide’ of sorts. Of course now I needed to make sure that my git commit messages were good as well.

Fortunately the style guide for git commit messages is pretty simple, so I wrote my own really basic checker. If you’re interested, keep reading.

Basically the rules of git commit messages are these:

  • The first line should act like a subject and be no longer than 50 characters
  • That should be followed by a blank line
  • Any other lines should be less than 72 characters wide

I told you they were simple. Here’s the python script I wrote to make sure I was following those 3 rules:


import sys
import os
from subprocess import call

editor = os.environ['EDITOR']
message_file = sys.argv[1]
# Used to figure out when we've reached the part in the commit message
# where the errors go.

def check_format_rules(lineno, line):
    Given a line number and a line, compare them against a set of
    rules.  If it it fails a given rule, return an error message.  If
    it passes all rules then return false.
    # Since enumerate starts at 0
    real_lineno = lineno + 1
    if lineno == 0:
        if len(line) > 50:
            return "E%d: First line should be less than 50 characters " \
                    "in length." % (real_lineno,)
    if lineno == 1:
        if line:
            return "E%d: Second line should be empty." % (real_lineno,)
    if not line.startswith('#'):
        if len(line) > 72:
            return "E%d: No line should be over 72 characters long." % (
    return False

while True:
    # Temporary storage for the commit message so we can recreate it
    # and then append errors if there are any.
    commit_msg = list()
    errors = list()
    with open(message_file) as commit_fd:
        for lineno, line in enumerate(commit_fd):
            stripped_line = line.strip()
            # Break out of the loop if we've hit the error header
            if stripped_line == error_header:
            e = check_format_rules(lineno, stripped_line)
            if e:
    if errors:
        with open(message_file, 'w') as commit_fd:
            for line in commit_msg:
            commit_fd.write('%s\n' % (error_header,))
            for error in errors:
                commit_fd.write('#    %s\n' % (error,))
        re_edit = raw_input('Invalid git commit message format.  Would '
                'you like to re-edit it?  (If you answer no, your '
                'commit will fail) [Y/n]')
        if re_edit in ('N', 'n', 'NO', 'no', 'No', 'nO'):
        call('%s %s' % (editor, message_file), shell=True)
    # No errors (otherwise it would have either continued or exited) so lets
    # break out of the while loop and exit cleanly

I went ahead and dropped that code into .git/hooks/ Then I put the following shell script into /.git/hooks/commit-msg:


exec < /dev/tty
.git/hooks/ $1

Basically if there is anything wrong with your commit message format that will stop your commit from happening (because it exits with a non-zero status) and ask if you want to re-edit the message. If so it gives you the standard git commit message in your $EDITOR and provides a list of errors at the bottom of the git comments.

BTW, you can get the latest version of my git hooks in my github repo.