Keeping bash history forever
I spend a lot of time in a terminal. More specifically, I spend a lot of time in bash - being a sysadmin/developer type guy kind of necessitates it. One of my favorite features of most modern shells is the fact that they record the commands you run, allowing you to easily repeat commands or to go back and look at how you did something.
What’s even better is that bash saves your history to a file whenever you logout of your shell. While that’s awesome, it’s little less awesome that the size of your history file is limited (dictated by the HISTFILESIZE environment variable, by default to 500 lines, at least on Mountain Lion). There are tons of times when I go to look back through my history and the command I needed was missing because of this.
The problem becomes even worse when you have multiple terminals open.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if after every command that command was dropped in a file? What if there was no limit to the # of history lines you could record? What if you could record other useful data, like say what directory you were in when you executed the command, the time you executed it, and what its return code was? Finally, wouldn’t it be sweet if you could easily add notes to that history file?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then look no further!
So, to be honest, there might be a better way to do this. If there is, I haven’t found it and I’ve looked a few times over the years. Also, it might be that another shell already does this for you. That’s awesome, but bash works pretty well for me and I don’t think I have the time to learn another shell.
The good news is that this is all pretty easy to setup. All it takes is two environment variables (one if you don’t care about the ability to annotate your forever-history) and one alias (which is used for the annotation).
First I’m just going to paste in the entirety of what you need to put in your .bash_profile to make all of this work just in case you don’t want to read through all my long winded explanation and just want to play with this:
# Used to put notes in a history file
function hnote {
echo "## NOTE [`date`]: $*" >> $HOME/.history/bash_history-`date +%Y%m%d`
# used to keep my history forever
PROMPT_COMMAND="[ -d $HOME/.history ] || mkdir -p $HOME/.history; echo : [\$(date)] $$ $USER \$OLDPWD\; \$(history 1 | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]*[[:space:]]+//g') >> $HOME/.history/bash_history-\`date +%Y%m%d\`"
Now lets go into the environment variable that makes the forever-history possible. It’s called PROMPT_COMMAND. Here’s the info about it from the bash man page in case you don’t want to have to search for it:
If set, the value is executed as a command prior to issuing each
primary prompt.
So basically it lets you specify a list of commands you want to execute everytime your prompt is displayed.
So using that, here’s my PROMPT_COMMAND variable:
PROMPT_COMMAND="[ -d $HOME/.history ] || mkdir -p $HOME/.history; echo : [\$(date)] $$ $USER \$OLDPWD\; \$(history 1 | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]*[[:space:]]+//g') >> $HOME/.history/bash_history-\`date +%Y%m%d\`"
Thats it. Ok, so lets step through each of the pieces of that. First we have this bit:
[ -d $HOME/.history] || mkdir -p $HOME/.history
All that does is make sure that the directory where it stores the forever history files exists. You could probably just have this line in your .bashrc by itself - its not likely that .history is going to disappear between logins, but it’s not like this is going to kill your disk, so why not have that extra little bit of insurance?
Ok, next we have the meat of the code that actually saves the history data. Basically all it does is echo a long string of data into a file. Here’s the first part of that:
echo : [\$(date)] $$ $USER \$OLDPWD\;
Update: I realized that using $PWD wasn’t actually working right. You want $OLDPWD instead.
So first it puts in a ‘:’ followed by the date in brackets, followed by the process id of the shell, then the logged in username and finally the current working directory followed by a ‘;’.
The reason the information is surrounded by a set of ‘:’ and ‘;’ is so that you can cut and paste the entire line from the logfile and it will work just fine. Why is that? It’s because in bash ‘:’ is a command that takes arguments and does nothing with them. It’s effectively a null. From the man-page:
: [arguments]
No effect; the command does nothing beyond expanding arguments
and performing any specified redirections. A zero exit code is
So whatever you put after the ‘:’ does nothing. The ‘;’ ends the ‘:’ command, so whatever follows it is a whole new command. So lets take a look at what comes AFTER the ‘;’:
\$(history 1 | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]+[0-9]*[[:space:]]+//g')
Unfortunately, in bash, there isn’t a really easy way to just get the last command you ran. It’d be awesome if there was a $LAST_COMMAND environment variable or something, but I couldn’t find it, so I fall back on executing the history command in a subshell. Giving it the argument of 1 means that it will only return 1 line from the history. The unfortunate thing about the history command is that it doesn’t just return the command, it also returns a # representing what command # it was during that session. I don’t really care about that and it ruins the ability to cut and paste commands from the forever-history file- hence the sed command.
I'm not an expert on regular expressions, and this may not be the very
best one. If you have a better one that you feel will work better,
PLEASE leave a comment about it and I'll change it. Thanks!
Alright, now you’ve got the full echo statement. There’s only one last bit to this, and thats where this data is being sent:
>> $HOME/.history/bash_history-\`date +%Y%m%d\`
I didn’t want one giant, ever growing file. Instead this provides a file per day, stamped with the date. For example the filename on the 19th of July is bash_history-20120719.
So that’s how I make use of PROMPT_COMMAND to make forever-history a reality. That only leaves this bit of shell hackery, both of which are entirely related to adding notation to your history files:
function hnote {
echo "## NOTE [`date`]: $*" >> $HOME/.history/bash_history-`date +%Y%m%d`
First lets talk about the function. All this does is create a new ‘command’ in your bash shell called hnote (for history-note). It takes a message as it’s argument, and echos that message into your current history file in a format that is easy to find later on.
The HISTIGNORE variable gives bash a list of patterns that it shouldn’t put into your history. I figured it was probably useless to see the hnote command itself being executed in the history file.
That’s it! So before I close this out, lets show you an example. Here’s me executing a few commands in my shell (including me being a bonehead and forgetting syntax!):
$ pwd
$ cd git/boto
$ ls
Changelog.rst README.markdown boto pylintrc tests bin docs
$ ps auwwwx | head 3
head: 3: No such file or directory
$ ps auwwwx | head -3
mike 267 5.7 0.7 3944824 123800 ?? S 2:04PM 14:21.83 /Applications/ -psn_0_28679
mike 273 2.9 0.5 2727352 79176 ?? S 2:04PM 1:31.09 /Applications/ -psn_0_53261
$ hnote "Yay, I remembered how to use the head command."
And here’s the relevant output in my history file:
: [Thu Jul 19 10:15:01 PDT 2012] 2221 mike /Users/mike; pwd
: [Thu Jul 19 10:15:11 PDT 2012] 2221 mike /Users/mike/git/boto; cd git/boto
: [Thu Jul 19 10:15:14 PDT 2012] 2221 mike /Users/mike/git/boto; ls
: [Thu Jul 19 10:15:29 PDT 2012] 2221 mike /Users/mike/git/boto; ps auwwwx | head 3
: [Thu Jul 19 10:15:37 PDT 2012] 2221 mike /Users/mike/git/boto; ps auwwwx | head -3
## NOTE [Thu Jul 19 10:18:25 PDT 2012]: Yay, I remembered how to use the head command.
Thats it! Let me know if you have any issues with this or have any questions.
One last thing: there are a few bugs in this. Mostly they just involve
the repeating of some commands into your history file. This happens
when you do things like open an editor (or whatever) then background
it (with ^Z). Your prompt is then redrawn, but you didn't execute a
command, so you end up with the last command getting echo'd into your
history file. The hnote command has a similar bug and it almost makes
me think I should just do away with HISTIGNORE completely. If you have
any ideas on how to make this better (I'm considering writing a python
script for it) please let me know! Thanks!